Thursday, August 29, 2013


Androgenic steroid hormones are the male sex hormones, their function are:

1- Differentiation of the male reproductive tract and brain during fetal life.

2- Stimulation of the testis descend during the last three months of gestation.

3- Stimulation, maturation and maintenance of reproductive tract.

4- Maintenance of spermatogenesis in adult testis.

5- Negative feedback regulation of LH secretion by the pituitary.

Androgens also stimulate development of male secondary sex characters including:

1- Growth of facial, chest, axillary and pubic hair as well as hair recession and balding.

2- Hypertrophy of the laryngeal mucosa causing enlargement of the larynx and deepening of the voice.

3- Development of increased musculature due to increased protein deposition and nitrogen retention.

4- Enhancement of linear growth through stimulation of bone growth.

5- Androgens are very potent anabolic hormone that accelerate metabolism.

6- Increase thickness of skin over entire body and increase the rate sebaceous glands result in (acne).

7- Increase the total quantity of bone matrix and cause calcium retention, it causes narrowing of pelvic outlet and causes funnel like shape pelvis and increases strength of pelvis for load bearing.

8- Testosterone increases RBC count so adult male have 700000 RBCs more than in female.

9- Testosterone causes sodium reabsorption from kidney tubules.

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