Sunday, August 18, 2013

Tumor of penis


Benign tumor:

Condyloma  Acuminatum

         Caused by HPV type 6 & 11.
         Occurs on the external genital & peri anal.
         In penis occurs most often about the coronal sulcus & inner surface of the prepuce.

         Grossly: single or multiple sessile or pedunculated red papillary excrescencies from 1 to few millimeter.
         Histology: branching villous, papillary connective tissue stroma covered by epithelium with hyperkeratosis & koilocytosis (irregular nuclei &per nuclear vacuole).

Carcinoma In Situ

         Epithelial lesions having cytological changes of malignancy confined to the epithelium with no evidence of local invasion or distal metastases.
         3 types
         Bowens  disease.
         Erythroplagia of Queyrat.
         Bowenoid  papulosis.

Bowens  Disease

         Occurs in age over 15 years.
         Strong association with HPV 16 & 18 ( 80 %).
         Occurs in skin of shaft of penis & scrotum.
         Grossly: plaque with shallow ulceration & crusting.
         Histology: proliferation of epidermis with numerous mitosis & lack of orderly maturation. Cell are dysplastic with hyper chromatic nuclei.
         10 % change to invasive squamous cell carcinoma .

Erythroplagia of Queyrat

         Occurs on the glans & prepuce.
         Grossly: single or multiple, shiny red velvety plaque.
         Histology: as in Bowens  disease.

Bowenoid papulosis

         Sexually active young men (mean age 30), usually on skin of shaft, glans or scrotum.
         Associated with HPV 16 or 18.
         Almost never becomes invasive.
         May spontaneously regress.
         Gross: multiple, small, pigmented papular lesions, may resemble condyloma accuminatum.
         Micro: histologically resembles Bowen’s disease, but may have mild / heavy melanin pigmentation within the lesion; often spiky or flat appearance, may have less cytological atypia .

Squamous cell carcinoma

         Occurs between 40 - 70 years.
         10 - 20 %  of male malignancies in some parts of Asia, Africa & south America.
         < than 1 % in U.S.
         Circumcision confers protection so it is rare in Moslems & Jews.
         50 % of cases associated with HPV 16 & 18
         Cigarette smoking is another risk factor. 
         Commonly occurs in glans or inner surface of the prepuce near the coronal sulcus.
         Grossly: either papillary or ulcerated lesion.
         Histology: invasion of nest of squamous cell of varying degree of differentiation with desmoplasia & inflammation.

         It is slowly growing tumor with early metastasis to the inquinal lymph node.

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