Sunday, August 18, 2013

Testicular tumors

Testicular tumors

         Divided into 2 major categories
       Germ cell tumor (95 %).
       Non Germ cell tumor derived from stroma or sex cord.
         Most Germ cell tumors are highly aggressive cancer capable of rapid wide dissemination.
         generally non Germ cell tumors are benign .

Germ cell tumors

         Age affected between 15-34 years. In this age group they constitute the most common tumor in male & account approximately 10 % of all cancer death.
         Much more common in whites than in blacks in ratio of 5:1.
         Divided into 2 categories:
       Seminoma (usually pure 40 %)
       Non seminomatous (usually mixed 60 %) these are:
»       Embryonal carcinoma
»       yolk sac tumor
»       Teratoma
»       Choriocarcinoma


Several influences may be important
1-Cryptorchidism: 10 % of testicular tumor associated with undescended testis.
2-Genetic predisposition:
       blacks more affected than whites.
       familial clustering (10 folds increase risk in close relative).
3-Testicular dysgenesis: testicular feminization & klinefilter syndrome increase risk.
4-Isochromosome 12 (i 12p) are found commonly in these tumors.


         Divided into
       Classical (85 %).
       Anaplastic (5-10 %).
       Spermatocytic seminoma (4-6 %).
         Grossly: homogenous, gray-white, lobulated cut surface devoid from necrosis & hemorrhage.
         Histology: sheets of uniform cell with clear cytoplasm contain glycogen with infrequent mitosis these cells arrange in poorly demarcated lobules by delicate septa of fibrous tissue contain T-lymphocytes.

Embryonal carcinoma

         More aggressive than seminoma.
         Grossly: small, variegated poorly demarcated at the margin with foci of necrosis & hemorrhage.
         Histology: sheets of large anaplastic, angry-looking cells with high mitotic count grow in glandular or alveolar or tubular pattern.

Yolk sac Tumor (endodermal sinus tumor)

         Most common testicular tumor in infants& children up to 3 years of age with very good prognosis.
         In adult usually occurs in combination with embyronal carcinoma with bad prognosis.
         Grossly: homogenous, yellow-white, mucinous appearance
         Histology: lacelike network of cuboidal cells with Schiller-Duval bodies (glomeruli-like structure), with central capillary & mesodermal core.
         Cell contains eosinophilic, hyaline-like globules in which AFP can be demonstrated.


         Highly malignant form of testicular tumor that is composed of both cytotrophoblast & sycytotrophoblast
         commonly occurs in mixture with other germ cell tumors.
         Grossly: small nodule with foci of hemorrhage & necrosis, rapidly growing.
         Secrete HCG
         Histology: mixture of syncytotrophoblast (large cell with many irregular hyper chromatic nuclei & abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm which is + ve for HGC) & trophoblast (polygonal cell with clear cytoplasm & single uniform nucleus).


         Group of complex tumor derived from more than one germ cell layer.
         pure form are fairly common in infant & children.
         In adults occur in combination with other Germ cell tumor mostly embryonal carcinoma.
         Grossly: heterogeneous large mass with solid sometime cartilaginous & cystic areas.
         Histology: 3 types
1- Mature teratoma: different type of mature tissue e.g., neural, muscle, cartilage, bits of intestinal wall, bronchial epithelium, thyroid, skin...

2- Immature teratoma: elements of 3 germ layers but incompletely differentiated e.g., poorly formed cartilage, neuroblasts, loose mesenchyme & cluster of glandular structure. They consider as malignant variant.
3- Teratoma with malignant transformation: focus of clear cut squamous cell ca, adenocarcinoma, carcinoid or sarcoma.

Tumors of sex cord-gonadal stroma
Two main types
       Leydig cell tumor.
       Sertoli cell tumor.

Leydig cell tumor:
         Occurs between 20-60 years of age.
         common presenting features are testicular swelling, gynecomastia & sexual precocity in children.
         Tumor elaborate androgens or androgen & estrogens.
         Most are benign. Only 10 % invasive
         Grossly: homogenous golden brown circumscribed nodule
         Histology: polygonal cell with abundant granular eosinophilic cytoplasm with lipofuscin pigment &  rod-shaped Reinke crystalloids.
Sertoli cell tumor:
         Same age group as Leydig cell tumor.
         May composed entirely of Sertoli cells or may have a component of granulosa cells.
         Some induced endocrinologic changes, either androgen or estrogen may be elaborated.
         Most are benign but 10 % are malignant.
         Grossly: firm small nodule with homogenous gray-white to yellow cut surface.
         Histology: uniform cells arrange in cord-like structures resembling immature seminiferous tubules.

Testicular Lymphoma

         Account for 5 % of testicular neoplasm & constitute the most common form of testicular cancer in men over the age of 60 years.
         Grossly: Gray-white homogenous mass.
         Histology: almost all cases of diffused large cell lymphoma.

         Prognosis: extremely poor.

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