Vitamin D:
¢ The
most common cause is lack of sunlight exposure since maintenance of normal
levels of vitamin D depends on UV sunlight exp
osure to catalyse synthesis of
cholecalciferol from 7-dehydrocholesterol in the skin .
¢ Dietary
deficiency can also play a role, but vitamin D occurs in only small quantities
in most foods, except oily fish, so the amount present in average diets is insufficient
to meet requirements.
¢ Lack of cholecalciferol results in reduced
hepatic production of 25(OH)D3 and thus reduced renal production of
the biologically active metabolite 1,25(OH)2 D3. The lack
of 1,25(OH)2 D3 impairs intestinal calcium absorption and
lowers serum calcium, which stimulates PTH secretion. This causes phosphate
wasting and increased bone resorption in an attempt to maintain serum calcium
levels within the normal range, causing progressive demineralisation of bone.
features of deficiency:
¢ Vitamin D deficiency in children causes
delayed development, muscle hypotonia, craniotabes (small unossified areas in
membranous bones of the skull that yield to finger pressure with a cracking feeling),
bossing of the frontal and parietal bones and delayed anterior fontanelle
closure, enlargement of epiphyses at the lower end of the radius, and swelling
of the rib costochondral junctions ('rickety rosary').
¢ Osteomalacia in adults presents insidiously.
Mild osteomalacia can be asymptomatic or present with fractures and mimic
osteoporosis. More severe osteomalacia presents with muscle and bone pain,
general malaise and fragility fractures. Proximal muscle weakness is prominent
and the patient may walk with a waddling gait and struggle to climb stairs or
get out of a chair. There may be bone and muscle tenderness on pressure and
focal bone pain can occur due to fissure fractures of the ribs and pelvis.
The diagnosis can usually be made on a
routine biochemical screen with measurement of serum 25(OH)D and PTH.
Typically, serum alkaline phosphatase levels are raised, 25(OH)D levels are low
or undetectable, and PTH is elevated. Serum calcium and phosphate levels may
also be low but normal values do not exclude the diagnosis.
X-rays are
normal until advanced disease, when focal radiolucent areas (pseudofractures or
Looser's zones) may be seen in ribs, pelvis and long bones.
Radiographic osteopenia is common and the
presence of vertebral crush fractures may cause confusion with osteoporosis. In
children, there is thickening and widening of the epiphyseal plate.
Radionuclide bone scan can show multiple hot spots in the ribs and pelvis at
the site of fractures and the appearance may be mistaken for metastases. Where
there is doubt, the diagnosis can be confirmed by bone biopsy, which shows the
pathognomonic features of increased thickness and extent of osteoid seams.
Osteomalacia and rickets respond promptly to treatment with
ergocalciferol (250-1000 μg daily), showing rapid clinical
improvement, an elevation in 25(OH)D and a reduction in PTH. Serum alkaline
phosphatase levels sometimes rise initially as mineralisation of bone
increases, but eventually fall to within the
normal range as the bone disease heals.
After 3-4 months, treatment can
generally be stopped or the dose of vitamin D reduced to a maintenance level of
10-20 μg cholecalciferol daily, except in patients with
underlying disease such as malabsorption, in
whom higher doses may be required.
D-resistant rickets (VDRR)
This term describes osteomalacia
and rickets caused by:
mutations in the 25-hydroxyvitamin D-1-alpha-hydroxylase (CYP27B1)
enzyme which converts 25(OH)D to the active metabolite 1,25(OH)2 D3
(type I VDRR)
mutations in the vitamin D receptor which impair its ability to activate
transcription (type II VDRR).
Clinical features are
similar to those of infantile rickets and the diagnosis is usually first
suspected when the patient fails to respond to vitamin D supplementation.
Since both are recessive
disorders, consanguinity is common but there may or may not be a positive
family history.
Biochemical features of type I
disease are similar to vitamin D deficiency, except that levels of 25(OH)D are
normal. In type II disease, 25(OH)D is normal but PTH and 1,25(OH)2D3
values are raised. Type I can be treated with the active vitamin D metabolites,
1-alpha hydroxyvitamin D (1-2 μg daily orally) or 1,25
dihydroxyvitamin D (0.25-1.5 μg daily orally), with or without
calcium supplements, depending upon the patient's diet. Type II VDRR is
extremely difficult to treat but sometimes responds partially to very high doses
of active vitamin D metabolites and calcium and phosphate supplements
rickets and osteomalacia
Osteomalacia and rickets
occur in patients with chronic renal failure due to defects in synthesis of
renal 1,25(OH)2D3 or due to over-aggressive treatment
with oral phosphate binders.
rickets and osteomalacia
Rickets and osteomalacia can occur as
the result of inherited or acquired defects in renal tubular phosphate
reabsorption, and rarely in patients with tumours that secrete phosphaturic
substances .
features and diagnosis
The hereditary disorders
usually present in childhood with rickets. The diagnosis is made on the basis
of the early age at onset and presence of hypophosphataemia with renal
phosphate wasting in the absence of vitamin D deficiency. Molecular diagnosis
can define the causal mutation. Tumour-induced hypophosphataemic osteomalacia
presents with severe, rapidly progessive symptoms in patients with no obvious
predisposing factor for osteomalacia. Strenuous efforts should be made to
identify the underlying, usually occult tumour. This often requires whole-body
MRI or CT.
Treatment is with phosphate
supplements (1-4 g daily) and active metabolites of vitamin D (1-alpha
hydroxyvitamin D 1-2 μg daily or 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D 0.25-1.5 μg daily) to promote intestinal
calcium and phosphate absorption. The aim is to ameliorate symptoms, restore
normal growth, maintain serum phosphate levels within the normal range and
normalise alkaline phosphatase levels. Levels of calcium, phosphate and
alkaline phosphatase, along with renal function, should be monitored.
Tumour-induced osteomalacia
can be managed in the same way but surgical excision of the tumour is curative.
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